每日金句 :
祢必將生命的道路指示我。在祢面前有滿足的喜樂;在祢右手中有永遠的福樂。 (詩篇 16:11)

Purposes and aims

Purposes and aims  of the ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School English Society

There are a number of important goals for the establishment of the English Society:

1. First and foremost is to provide a committee to facilitate the continued improvement of the English level (primarily spoken English) of LSS students. This is achieved through regular meetings, participation in Daily English Corner activities, and through assisting the English Department with special activities and projects throughout the school year.

2. Another aim of the Society is to instil in our students the positive attributes of responsibility and initiative. This will be achieved through regular student participation in the planning and facilitation of English language activities in the school, including regular participation in English Corner.

3. The development of leadership abilities among English Society members is an additional aim. It is envisioned that student members will become leaders in all aspects of English Department activities and role models to their fellow students. 

Video - Introduction of English Society