每日金句 :
祢必將生命的道路指示我。在祢面前有滿足的喜樂;在祢右手中有永遠的福樂。 (詩篇 16:11)


課程宗旨 Curriculum Aims

(a)    讓學生可以在高中時掌握基本的商業知識和技能,建立正面的價值觀和積極的態度,使他們將來在社會上能恰如其分地擔當消費者、投資者、僱員及/或企業家等不同的角色;

(b)    培養學生在多方面的共通能力,例如研究能力、分析能力、領導才能、建立團隊的才能、溝通技巧、批判性思考、創意、解難能力等,並可把有關能力運用和發揮在不同的學習領域中;及

(c)    為學生提供一個可以探索不同商業事項的學習平台,為日後生活、學習及就業作好準備。

The overall aims of the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) curriculum are:

(a)    to provide students at senior secondary level with fundamental business knowledge and skills, and develop their positive values and attitudes, so that they can fulfil their roles competently and confidently as consumers, investors, employees and/or entrepreneurs;

(b)    to develop students’ generic skills in research, analysis, leadership, team-building, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving and transfer them to different domains; and

(c)    to explore different aspects of business to prepare students for life, for learning and for employment.
