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- 年度計劃
- 以商界及社會責任的角度理解及批判性地評估世界和本地所發生的種種商業事務;
- 體察商界急速的變遷步伐,從而作出自我反省、不斷自我激勵及自我約束,使自己成為終身學習者,在瞬息萬變的環境中,能主動作出明智的決定
- 利用資訊科技來確認、揀選和組織相關的商業資訊,以作出恰當的決策;
- 從多角度研究、分析及評估商業議題
- 成為商業世界的理智、積極及負責任的參與者;
- 以慎思明辨的態度明白具社會責任及道德商業行為的重要性
(A) Knowledge and understanding of:
- the intertwined relationships of different business areas;
- the dynamic environment in which businesses operate, where changes influence planning and decision-making
(B) Generic skills, in particular, the ability to:
- Use information technology to locate, select, and organise relevant business information for decision-making;
- Investigate, analyse, and evaluate business issues from a variety of perspectives
(C) Positive values and attitudes so that they may:
- Be informed, active and responsible participants in the business world;
- B critically aware of the importance of socially responsible and ethical business behaviour